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  1. After the three first editions took place in Luxembourg, this year's special edition of the "CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa" programme was held in Dubai from 21 until 23 March in the context of the World Expo 2020. eMaisha Pay from Uganda bested eight other fintech finalists from Africa and won this year's edition of the CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa 2022 boot camp.

  2. The energy allowance for low-income households proposed by the minister of Family Affairs and Integration, Corinne Cahen, is part of the package of measures aimed at households that are severely impacted by rising energy prices.

  3. The war situation in Ukraine is forcing many people to leave their country for safety. Providing access to education for Ukrainian refugee children and young people is a legal obligation. It is also and foremost a moral duty for all actors of the Luxembourg school community.

  4. Today, the Prime Minister, Minister of State, Xavier Bettel, has decided that the request for the organisation of a referendum on the proposed revision of Chapter II of the Constitution, submitted by an initiative committee and received on 17 March 2022, is declared admissible as it meets the requirements set by the amended law of 4 February 2005.

  5. In view of the military operations launched by Russia against Ukraine, the Luxembourg Government strongly advises its citizens against all travel to Russia.

  6. On Tuesday 15th March 2022, the European Institute of Peace (EIP), TrustWorks Global and the Directorate of Defence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg are launching an 18-month project to promote the inclusion of land and natural resource issues in conflict prevention and resolution in the border region (called Liptako Gourma) of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger in West Africa.

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