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  • 1654 result(s)
  1. Following a DDoS (distributed denial of service) cyber attack aimed at preventing access to several Luxembourg websites, a crisis unit was convened in the afternoon, chaired by the Minister for Digitalisation, Stéphanie Obertin.

  2. Since the morning of 21 March 2024, several government websites have been the target of a cyber DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. A DDOS attack consists of saturating the computer resources of targets.

  3. The sixth edition of Space Resources Week is taking place between 25 and 27 March 2024 as a 3-day hybrid event, hosted at the European Convention Center Luxembourg, as well as available online.

  4. At the start of the 2024/2025 school year, children in the cycle 1 of primary education will be introduced to MATHI, a new series of teaching materials and, above all, a new method for learning mathematics. On Tuesday 19 March 2024, the Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, attended the official launch of the MATHI materials at the Campus Geesseknäppchen.

  5. On the occasion of a working visit on 19 March 2024, the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works prohibits all drone movements on the 19 MArch 2024 in some airspaces.

  6. On 15 March 2024, the souvenir frame of the stamp commemorating the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was handed over by Claude Strasser, Managing Director of POST Luxembourg, to Yuriko Backes, Minister of Defence.

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