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  • 1647 result(s)
  1. The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, supported by IMS Luxembourg - Inspiring More Sustainability - in collaboration with the Ministry for Family, Integration, and the Greater Region, as well as LISER, has presented the results of the fourth barometer, "Diversity & Companies Lëtzebuerg", the result of the analysis of the committed signatories' questionnaires.

  2. As decided by the Government Council on 10 December and following the advice of the High Council for Infectious Diseases (Conseil supérieur des maladies infectieuses – CSMI) on 29 November, vulnerable children aged between 5 and 11 years and those in regular contact with vulnerable people will be able to get vaccinated on a voluntary basis.

  3. On Thursday 10 December, the Minister for the Greater Region, Mrs Corinne Cahen, took part in the annual EU-Tribe colloquium at the House of StartUps in Bonnevoie, in the presence of representatives of incubators and start-ups from the entire Greater Region.

  4. On 8 December 2021, the awards ceremony for the National Literary Competition 2021 took place at the National Literature Centre in the presence of the winners. Josée Hansen from the literature and publishing unit of the Ministry of Culture represented Sam Tanson, minister of Culture, who was unable to attend.

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