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  • 1677 result(s)
  1. The latest aviation safety report containing information on the safety performance of civil aviation in Luxembourg during 2020 is now available.

  2. In the context of the shortening of the time between the initial vaccination and the booster vaccination and taking into account an acceleration of the deliveries of vaccines, the government has decided to temporarily reopen, as from 10 January 2022, a fifth vaccination centre at Luxexpo The Box (Luxembourg-Kirchberg).

  3. Employees who have their first vaccine dose can be tested free of charge from 14 January 2022, while waiting for their second dose. As of Thursday, 16 December 2021, they are provided a set of 20 codes when they receive their first dose of vaccine.

  4. In view of the current epidemic wave, the threat of the omicron variant and the increasing incidence of hospitalisations among vaccinated persons, and following the recommendations of the Conseil supérieur des maladies infectieuses (CSMI) issued on 14 December, the Government Council of 15 December decided to reduce the interval between the last injection of a Pfizer or Moderna vaccination and the "booster" dose from 6 to 5 months.

  5. The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, supported by IMS Luxembourg - Inspiring More Sustainability - in collaboration with the Ministry for Family, Integration, and the Greater Region, as well as LISER, has presented the results of the fourth barometer, "Diversity & Companies Lëtzebuerg", the result of the analysis of the committed signatories' questionnaires.

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