New waiting list for anyone wishing to be vaccinated against COVID-19, including cross-border workers

This week, phase 6 of the vaccination campaign (age group 18-54 years) has been completed. As in previous phases, anyone who has not yet scheduled an appointment to be vaccinated against COVID-19 during the different phases of the vaccination campaign (phases 1-6) will be able to register on a new waiting list.

People aged 18 or older can register on one or more of the following lists:

  • on a list for vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine,
  • on a list for vaccination with the Janssen vaccine,
  • or on a list for vaccination with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna /BioNTech-Pfizer).

Registration will start on the morning of 5 July via and is expected to remain open until the end of July.

Those who register will receive an invitation from the Ministry of Health by post, with detailed instructions on how to make an appointment in one of the vaccination centres in the country. Personalised assistance is also offered through a hotline specially set up for this purpose under the number +352) 247-65533.

This decision by the government aims to offer all those who were unable to honour their first appointment the chance to be invited to a later appointment.

Vaccination of cross-border workers

The vaccination strategy adopted by the government on 4 December 2020 also provided for vaccination to be offered to cross-border workers once the resident population had been invited to be vaccinated. The waiting lists will thus also be open to cross-border residents, as well as to Luxembourg nationals residing in another country, who do not have access to vaccination in their country of residence.

Press release by the Ministry of State / Ministry of Health


Event date
