Launch of the call for entries for the second edition of the Luxembourg Tourism Awards

On 21 February 2023, the General Directorate for Tourism officially launched the call for entries for the second edition of the "Luxembourg Tourism Awards", which will reward players in the sector who have been particularly innovative in their projects. The 2023 edition of the "Luxembourg Tourism Awards" will focus on the theme of active tourism, highlighting the dynamic and enriching experiences that Luxembourg has to offer. The theme therefore focuses on adventure, discovery and eco-tourism. Active tourism makes full use of Luxembourg's natural and cultural resources to offer authentic experiences that add value to the country as a tourist destination. This type of tourism is also based on sustainability and the preservation of the environment.

The 2023 edition of the "Luxembourg Tourism Awards" is open to all companies, foundations, public institutions, non-profit associations, local authorities and individuals proposing services in the field of active tourism. This year's awards are divided into several categories: culture, adventure, eco-tourism, hotels, campsites, gîtes and gastronomy. There is also a new category of "deserving volunteer". This year, tourism professionals will have the opportunity to nominate a volunteer of their choice for the award.

"The General Directorate for Tourism is committed to promoting active tourism and is pleased that the 2023 Awards reflect this philosophy," said Lex Delles, Minster for Tourism. "Luxembourg is full of opportunities for adventure and discovery, and we look forward to seeing how this year's entrants will present these experiences in the different categories. The General Directorate for Tourism's aim is not only to reward the various players who have distinguished themselves with outstanding projects, but also to encourage the sector as a whole to continue to diversify and innovate its tourism offer".

Applications for the Luxembourg Tourism Awards can be submitted until 28 April 2023. For further information, please visit

Press release by the General Directorate for Tourism