Summerschool 2024: registration now open

As in previous years, state-run schools will once again be offering free optional remedial courses as part of the Summerschool programme. This offer from the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth for pupils wishing to catch up or improve in a subject will be held this year from 3 to 13 September 2024 in basic education and from 2 to 13 September 2024 in secondary education.

Organised since 2020, Summerschool is part of the support measures that the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth wishes to provide for pupils with difficulties or who are behind at school. Nearly 6,300 students registered for the 2023 edition.

Here are the details of the organisation of Summerschool 2024:

1. Elementary education (3 to 13 September)

At the mid-term review meeting in the third trimester, depending on the pupil's needs, the class teacher will suggest that parents enrol their child in a guided Summerschool activity. It can also be requested by parents. If agreed, the teacher enrols the student in the proposed activity.

The activities offered in elementary schools vary according to the cycle.

Pupils in cycles 2, 3 and 4.1

  • Guided activities in mathematics and German will be organised for pupils in cycles 2.1 and 2.2;
  • Guided activities in mathematics, German and French will be organised for pupils in cycles 3.1, 3.2 and 4.1.

The guided mathematics activities will take place from 3 to 6 September 2024. Activities in German and French will take place from 9 to 13 September.

Pupils in cycle 4.2

Pupils in cycle 4.2 will be able to follow refresher courses organised by the lycée in which they are enrolled for the 2024/2025 school year. They will receive a form from their class teacher indicating the course they are advised to take. They give this form to the secretariat of their future lycée.

Pupils at state-run international schools

For pupils attending a primary school class at a state international school, parents should contact the school's secretariat directly.

2. Secondary education (from 2 to 13 September)

At secondary school, two types of course will be offered:

  • Remedial courses are intended for students who have to take a deferral test in September (subjects: German, English, French, mathematics, biology, natural sciences, chemistry, physics and others);
  • Remedial courses are intended for students who wish to remedy their shortcomings (subjects: German, English, French, mathematics).

Students may register for a maximum of two subjects. Courses are limited to five days per student.

Courses in German, French, Maths and English (known as 'in-house courses') will take place at each secondary school ('lycée').

Courses for all other subjects (known as 'regional courses') will be taught at regional level, i.e. at the Lycée classique de Diekirch (LCD), the Lycée Aline Mayrisch Luxembourg (LAML), the Lycée des arts et métiers (LAM), the Lycée de garçons Esch (LGE) and the Maacher Lycée Grevenmacher (MLG).

Each course has ten lessons, taught in blocks of two. One lesson is 50 minutes. Secondary schools will be able to spread lessons over one or two weeks.

Registrations must be made directly with the secondary school's secretariat, subject to availability, until 17 July 2024.

3. Thematic files for Summerschool or at home

As in previous years, Summerschool courses in primary and secondary education will be based on thematic dossiers prepared by the Ministry's Service de coordination de la recherche et de l'innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT) for each subject and each class.

These files will be accessible via the student's IAM on the platform from 15 July 2024. They will also include model answer keys, so they can be used independently or accompanied by parents at any time during the school holidays.

If necessary, parents and students can contact the helpline on 8002-9090.

Press release by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth

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