Swine influenza - Recommendations for travellers

The presence of the new swine influenza virus has been confirmed in Mexico and the United States. It is causing the infection of humans by an influenza virus that normally affects pigs. Human-to-human transmission of this virus has been confirmed. The viruses isolated in those infected belong to the A/H1N1 subtype.

The Luxembourg authorities recommend that travellers take the following precautions:

Prior to your departure

It is advised to refrain from travelling to Mexico, unless absolutely necessary.

During your stay

It is recommended that you

  • comply with the recommendations issued by the local health authorities;
  • avoid public gatherings;
  • avoid contact with sick people;
  • practice good basic hygiene: wash your hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based solutions, aerate the rooms in which you are staying;
  • consult a medical practitioner in the event of developing any of the following symptoms: fever over 38.5°C accompanied by aches, coughing, muscle soreness...
  • if necessary, contact the embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Washington (Tel.: +1 202 265 4171).

Following your return

Should you exhibit any of the symptoms listed above within 7 days of your return from a region in which human cases of swine influenza have been confirmed or are suspected, please contact your local medical practitioner immediately or call 112.

The Direction de la santé (Health Department) is in contact with the World Health Organisation, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the other European member states in order to closely monitor the development of the situation and implement necessary measures.

(communicated by the Direction de la santé/SIP)

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