Funeral of HRH Grand Duke Jean

The funeral took place on 4 May 2019 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Luxembourg.


10h Departure on foot from Place Clairefontaine to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Luxembourg, of the procession composed of the members of the Chamber of Deputies, the honorary presidents of the Chamber of Deputies, the Luxembourg members of the European Parliament, as well as the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary Generals; the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Secretary General of the Government Council, the Deputy Secretary General of the of the Government Council as well as former ministers of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg who served under the reign of HRH Grand Duke Jean; members of the Council of State and the Secretary General, judges and prosecutors and members of the judicial administration; and of the College of the Mayor and Aldermen and the City Council of the city of Luxembourg.

Around 10h15 Departure by car from the Grand-Ducal Palace to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Luxembourg, of reigning family members and of non-reigning family members.

11h Opening of the main gate of the Grand-Ducal Palace

The exit of the coffin, placed on a gun carriage, is accompanied by the Honour Bell performed by the Military Music. At the moment of the funeral procession’s departure to the Cathedral of Our Lady, 21 gun salutes will be fired from the plateau du Rham.

The funeral procession is composed of TRH the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess, TRH the Hereditary Grand-Ducal couple, children and grand-children of the deceased with their spouses; flag detail with escort of the army, military music; insignia bearers; Luxembourg authorities Fernand Etgen, President of the Chamber of Deputies; Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister, Minister of State; Agnès Durdu, President of the Council of State; Jean-Claude Wiwinius, President of the Superior Court of Justice; Francis Delaporte, President of the Administrative Court; Martine Solovieff, State Attorney General; Lydie Polfer, Mayor of the City of Luxembourg; General Alain Duschène, Chief of Staff pf the Luxembourg Army; Philippe Schrantz, Director General of the Grand-Ducal Police.

11h15 Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Luxembourg

Due to limited seating inside the Cathedral, the procession as well as the Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Luxembourg will be broadcast live, from 10h on, on a large screen with sound system on Place d’Armes, thus allowing anyone who is interested to witness the funeral of HRH Grand Duke Jean.

Member of the Government



Ministry of State