Le ministre François Biltgen participe à la conférence ministérielle sur la société de l'information et des connaissances à Lisbonne

Annexe: sujets traités dans le cadre de la conférence

1. Education and Training and Employment - Scientific and Technological culture in Europe. Schools, Science Centres, and the new media. Science and technology education for a knowledge and Information society. Educating children with and for Information Technologies. How can training be made more widely available to ensure that all citizens can use and work with the new ICT's? Life-long training as a means to secure sustained employment. Learning as a tool for social inclusion: life-long and socially-oriented.

2. R&D - Production and availability of knowledge in Europe. Stimulating the creation of employment induced by R&D, generated by the diffusion of knowledge and by the extensive social and economic use of IT. How can ICT be used to promote European R&D? R&D Networks and Co-Laboratories. Digital libraries and scientific publishing. E-Research and the need for a Trans-European high speed network for R&D and Education.

3. Government online - How can government most effectively interact with citizens on-line? Promoting the use of the Internet by public administrations in order to facilitate its access by citizens and to stimulate its networking at national and European level. The implications of going on-line for the organization of governance, democracy, participation, control. Integrating IT in national and European policies for regional and urban development. Range of impacts (e-Gov and the citizen, e-Gov and the firm, digital cities and local Government; new information and communication systems in health, transport, environment and planning).

4. The Digital Contents Industry - How to take advantage of culture and multi-lingual diversity to develop an European industry on contents? How to tackle Intellectual Property Rights? The digitalisation of public-owned information and added-value related products in different domains. Potential for growth in the multimedia and entertainment industry. Impact on job creation.

5. Access and networks - Public, popular and low cost access to the Internet, data communication prices in Europe. Benchmarking pricing and access internationally. Fighting info-exclusion and the access to the Internet as a means to facilitate social inclusion.

6. e-Commerce - Exploring the competitive edge of the European digital economy. Adopting co-ordinated policies for the rapid growth of e-commerce, promotion effective security, self-regulation, domain-name appropriate policies and rapid networking of SME's. Potential use of co-regulation and self-regulation in certain areas. Internet domain names regulatory issues. Promoting the networking between risk capital, entrepreneurs and creators. Encouraging greater up-take by SME's Potential for developments in business-to-consumer, business-to-business and government-to-business

Communiqué par le ministère d'Etat, service des Médias et des Communications.

(Publié le 10 avril 2000)

Date de l'événement

10.04.2000 02:00

Lieu de l'événement
