Accession to the Throne of His Royal Highness Grand Duke Henri: Official Programme

Saturday, 23 September 2000

3 p.m. Renaming ceremony of the Diekirch army barracks by the name of HRH Grand Duke Jean

Sunday, 24 September 2000

From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m Music parade performed by UGDA members in honour of TRH Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte Avenue de la Liberté, Luxembourg

Wednesday, 27 September 2000

7 p.m. Television and radio speech by HRH Grand Duke Jean  
9 p.m.

Concert by the military band of the Luxembourg army in front of the Grand-Ducal Palace in Luxembourg
Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte appear on the balcony

Large screens: Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes and Place Guillaume

Thursday, 28 September 2000

10.30 a.m. Abdication ceremony at the Grand-Ducal Palace Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Belgium will attend the abdication and oath-taking ceremonies
11 a.m. Oath-taking ceremony at the Chamber of Deputies
Procession from the Chamber of Deputies to the Grand-Ducal Palace, along Rue de l'Eau, Rue du Fossé and Rue de la Reine

Large screens: Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes and Place Guillaume

11.45 a.m Reception at the Grand-Ducal Palace Grand Duke Henri and members of the Grand-Ducal Family appear on the balcony Large screens: Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes and Place Guillaume
12.45 p.m. Lunch hosted by the Government for the ambassadors accredited to the Grand Duke of Luxembourg and to representatives of the Luxembourg authorities Cercle municipal
2.30 p.m. Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa walk from the Grand-Ducal Palace to Cercle Municipal to greet the Ambassadors
As of 2.45 p.m. The accredited Ambassadors are presented to Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess  
5 p.m. Thanksgiving service at Luxembourg Cathedral Large screens: Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes and Place Guillaume
As of 8 p.m. Grand Fair - Opening concert specially written by Gast Waltzing and performed by the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra Place de Bruxelles
8.45 p.m. Concert by Patricia Kaas Place de Bruxelles
10 p.m. Firework display set off simultaneously from three different locations Pont Adolphe, Trois Glands and INS/Rham

Friday, 29 September 2000

7.30 p.m. Gala evening at the Conservatoire of the City of Luxembourg in the presence of the European Crown Princes and Princesses
Concert by the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra
Charity concert in aid of Grand-Ducal Fondation
Open to the public
8.30 p.m. Concert by Deep Purple with the Romanian Philharmonic Orchestra Place de Bruxelles

Saturday, 30 September 2000

9.30 a.m. "Joyeuse Entrée " into the capital

Communiqué par le Ministère d'Etat/SIP


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