15th Summit UE-Russia in Moscow (English version)

The 15 th  EU-Russia Summit took place in Moscow on 10 May 2005. The summit was hosted by Mr Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, accompanied by Mr Mikhail Fradkov, Prime Minister, Mr Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister, Mr German Gref, Minister for Economic Development and Trade, Mr Viktor Khristenko, Minister for Energy and Industry, as well as Mr Sergei Yastrzhembskiy, Special Representative for Development of Relations with the European Union.

The EU was represented by Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, in his capacity as President of the European Council, assisted by the Secretary-General/High Representative, Dr Javier Solana, and the President of the European Commission, Mr Jose Manuel Barroso. The Prime Minister of Luxembourg was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Jean Asselborn. The President of the European Commission was accompanied  by Mrs Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations, and Mr Peter Mandelson, Commissioner for Trade.

Further to a decision at the EU-Russia Summit in St Petersburg on 31 May 2003 to create in the long term a Common Economic Space, a Common Space of Freedom, Security and Justice, a Space of Co-operation in the field External Security, as well as a Space of Research and Education, including cultural aspects, in the framework of the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA), the leaders of the EU and Russia today adopted a single package of road maps for the creation of the four Common Spaces (in annex). These road maps set out shared objectives for EU/Russia relations as well as the actions necessary to make these objectives a reality, and determine the agenda for co-operation between the EU and Russia for the medium-term.

Common Economic Space

The objective of the common economic space is to create an open and integrated market between the EU and Russia. Work on this space will bring down barriers to trade and investment and promote reforms and competitiveness, based on the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and good governance. Among the wide range of actions foreseen in the road map, an EU/Russia regulatory dialogue on industrial products is to be launched, as well as greater co-operation on investment issues, competition and financial services. It is also foreseen to enhance co-operation in the telecommunications, transport and energy fields, on issues such as regulatory standard-setting and infrastructure development. Moreover, it has been agreed to strengthen co-operation in the area of environment, notably on climate change and the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, and outer space activities, such as space launching.

Common Space of Freedom, Security and Justice

The underlying principles of the Common Space of Freedom, Security and Justice are democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including free and independent media and the effective application of common values by independent judicial systems. Work on this space will see adoption in the near future of agreements on readmission and visa facilitation, which together will promote greater contact between the citizens of the EU and Russia via travel and tourism as well as facilitate business and official travel. The EU will continue to examine with Russia the conditions for visa-free travel as a long-term perspective. The regular EU/Russia consultations on human rights, which were successfully launched in March, fall within this space, as does co-operation on combating terrorism, organised crime and corruption.

Common Space of External Security

The road map for the Common Space of External Security underlines the shared responsibility of the EU and Russia for an international order based on effective multilateralism, their determination to co-operate to strengthen the central role of the United Nations, and promote the role and effectiveness of relevant international and regional organisations, in particular the OSCE and the Council of Europe. Building further on their already on-going co-operation, the EU and Russia will strengthen their co-operation and dialogue on security and crisis management in order to address the global and regional challenges and key threats of today, notably terrorism, the proliferation of WMD, existing and potential regional and local conflicts. They will give particular attention to securing international stability, including in the regions adjacent to Russian and EU borders, where they will co-operate to promote resolution of frozen conflicts in Europe (e.g. in Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh), in line with UN and OSCE commitments. The EU will continue to provide support through humanitarian assistance, economic rehabilitation, confidence building and efforts to tackle poverty and human rights abuses.

Common Space on Research, Education and Culture

Work to create the Common Space of Research and Education, including cultural aspects, aims to capitalise on the strength of EU and Russian research communities and cultural and intellectual heritage by identifying key measures to promote economic growth and strengthen competitiveness, reinforce links between research and innovation, encourage close cooperation in the field of education - including the convergence of university course formats and qualifications - and promote cultural and linguistic diversity. A European institute in Moscow, co-funded by the EU and Russia, is to be set up in 2006.

The leaders of the EU and Russia also briefly discussed the future of EU/Russia relations after the expiry of the first period of validity of the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA) in 2007.

The leaders of the EU and Russia addressed in a constructive spirit internal developments in the EU and Russia, including the situation in Chechnya. They also discussed a wide range of international issues.

(released by the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union)

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