Lettre de condoléances du ministre de la Justice, Luc Frieden, adressée au ministre de l´Intérieur du Royaume-Uni, Charles Clarke, suite aux attentats de Londres

Dear colleague,

It is with great sadness and shock that I learned of  the news of the terrorist attacks that occurred this morning in London.

I extend my sincere condolences to you and to the people of the United Kingdom on the loss of life and terrible injuries suffered. My thoughts are with the victims of the explosions.

Only yesterday, you and I discussed in London the need for a closer cooperation in the fight against organized crime and terrorism. We have to, and we will, address the terrorist threat with all our determination. In these difficult times our democracies stand together in unity and solidarity.

Within the European Union we have done a lot over the past years to prevent and fight terrorism. For the last six months, the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union has worked relentlessly to make Europe more secure. Be assured that we will fully support the UK Presidency in all of its efforts in this respect.

The UK Presidency, and you personally, have set the right priorities to reduce the threat from terrorism. We need to take action both within the EU and outside. Developing a EU capacity to detect, investigate and prosecute terrorists, ensuring transport and border security, tackling the recruitment of terrorists, common rules on data retention and exchange of information are only a few of the important issues that we need to address in the months to come.

Freedom, security and justice will prevail over terrorism. I am thinking of you and fully support you at this time where you have to take difficult decisions in the interest of your country.

Sincerely yours,

Luc Frieden
Minister for Justice

(communiqué par le ministère de la Justice)

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