Luxembourg's Juncker defends French, German deficits


Jean-Claude Juncker: "It would be extremely difficult in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Austria to get back to an economic tempo that promotes growth and employment if the large economies of Europe – Italy and especially Germany and France – don't rebound".


Jean-Claude Juncker: "We can't at a time of total economic downturn force both countries to cut back on investment or to take further percentages of GDP out of consumption. This would worsen the economic slowdown."


Jean-Claude Juncker: "We have to weigh what is more important: applying the theoretical standards of the stability pact, which have their validity and justification, down to the last percentage point, to the last millimeter, or to take a longer-term approach to both stability and growth".


Jean-Claude Juncker: "I can't tell people to vote for me and then leave three weeks later".


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