The Benelux Union brings together the kingdoms of Belgium and the Netherlands as well as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The acronym 'Benelux' incorporates the names of the three countries (Belgique/België, Nederland, Luxembourg).
Sharing the same political destiny throughout long periods of their history, the three countries recognised the necessity of closer cooperation following the events of the First and particularly the Second World War.
The Benelux was founded on 5 September 1944, when the governments of the three countries (still in exile in London) signed a customs union agreement which came into effect on 1 January 1948. A series of agreements led to the Benelux Economic Union, established on 3 February 1958 in The Hague.
Subsequently, projects on a larger scale like the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community took over from an economic perspective. Consequently, the economic dominance of the Benelux made way for a more political cooperation on a wider variety of topics.
On 17 June 2008, the cooperation was renewed and now bore the name of The Benelux Union. Today it mainly concentrates on three key themes: the internal market and the economy, security and society, as well as sustainable and digital cooperation.
The Benelux functions through several institutions:
- the Committee of Ministers (Comité des ministres) is the highest decision-making body which determines the strategy and priorities of the Benelux cooperation;
- the responsibilities of the Benelux Council (Conseil Benelux) include the preparation of files for ministers;
- the Benelux Secretariat-General (Secrétariat général Benelux) initiates, supports and ensures cooperation in the fields of the economy, sustainability and security;
- the Benelux Interparliamentary Consultative Council (Conseil interparlementaire consultatif de Benelux - Benelux Parliament) consists of 49 deputies from the three countries, who inform and advise their respective governments on Benelux issues;
- the Benelux Court of Justice (Cour de Justice Benelux) promotes uniformity in the application of Benelux legislation (intellectual property, penalty payment, recovery of tax claims, protection of birds, equality in tax treatment). It has binding decision-making powers regarding the Benelux common legal provisions.
Moreover, the Benelux Organisation for Intellectual Property and the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property are responsible for intellectual property issues within the Benelux.
The presidency of the Benelux is held in turn by the three countries for a period of one year. The most recent Luxembourg presidency was in 2016.
News items on (in French and English)
- Page d'information sur le Benelux du ministère des Affaires étrangères
- Visite de travail conjointe des ministres des Affaires étrangères du Benelux à Sarajevo (14.09.2018)
- Étienne Schneider et Félix Braz se félicitent de la signature du nouveau traité Benelux en matière de coopération policière (23.07.2018)
- Les restrictions territoriales de l’offre ont des conséquences négatives sur la compétitivité des entreprises luxembourgeoises au niveau des prix, des marges et de la gamme proposée (19.06.2018)
- Romain Schneider au 60e anniversaire de la signature du traité instituant l'Union économique du Benelux (06.06.2018)
- Visite du SG Benelux au Centre de crise du Luxembourg (25.04.2018)
- Entrevue d’Étienne Schneider et de Félix Braz avec le ministre de la Sécurité et de l'Intérieur de la Belgique, Jan Jambon (20.02.2018)
- Xavier Bettel au sommet des chefs de gouvernement du Benelux-Slovénie à Ljubljana (06.02.2018)
- Jean Asselborn au lancement de la Présidence belge du Benelux (23.01.2018)
- Camille Gira signe une coopération Benelux sur la recharge transfrontalière pour véhicules électriques (07.12.2017)
- Xavier Bettel participe au sommet des chefs de gouvernement en format Benelux à La Haye (08.11.2017)
- Un contrôle plus ciblé du transport routier dans les pays du Benelux (19.10.2017)
- Vaste contrôle Benelux du transport poids lourds (19.09.2017)
- Réunion informelle des ministres des Finances du Benelux à Bruxelles (04.09.2017)
- Joint Benelux Statement on Croatia-Slovenia border arbitration award (04.07.2017)
- Xavier Bettel a participé au Sommet Benelux-Visegrad à Varsovie (18.06.2017)
- Entrée en vigueur du traité de Liège: contrôles conjoints des transports de marchandises et de personnes (01.06.2017)
- Les pays du Benelux luttent contre la fraude transfrontalière dans le secteur des soins de santé (12.05.2017)
- Préparatifs du 60e anniversaire des traités de Rome - la vision du Benelux sur le futur de l’UE (09.02.2017)
- Jean Asselborn à Erbil pour une visite de travail conjointe des ministres des Affaires étrangères du Benelux en Irak (20.12.2016)
- Jean Asselborn à la réunion du Comité des ministres du Benelux à Bruxelles (13.12.2016)
- Xavier Bettel en Tunisie pour une mission conjointe des trois Premiers ministres du Benelux - Deuxième journée (06.12.2016)
- Xavier Bettel en Tunisie pour une mission conjointe des trois Premiers ministres du Benelux - Première journée (05.12.2016)
- Les ministres de la Justice du Benelux veulent renforcer la coopération en matière de lutte contre la traite des êtres humains (02.12.2016)
- Recommandation Benelux pour intensifier la lutte contre la fraude fiscale dans le domaine équin (29.11.2016)
- Une décision Benelux facilite désormais le transport transfrontalier en ambulance et en SAMU/SMUR ainsi que le transport d'organes entre la Belgique et le Luxembourg (28.11.2016)
- Réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères du Benelux et des États baltes à Bruxelles (15.11.2016)
- Francine Closener à la conférence "Tackling business and consumer fraud" (28.10.2016)
Legislation (selection)
A) Main texts
- New Benelux Treaty (since 2010): Law of 4 June 2009 approving the revision
- of the Treaty establishing the Benelux Economic Union, signed on 3 February 1958,
- the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the Benelux Union,
- the Declaration
signed in The Hague on 17 June 2008 (in French - texts included in the document)
- Benelux Economic Union (former Benelux treaty, in force from 1960 to 2010):
- Treaty establishing the Benelux Economic Union (3 February 1958 - PDF, in French)
- Modified law of 5 August 1960 approving the Treaty establishing the Benelux Economic Union, the Agreement containing the transitional conditions and the Protocol of signature, signed in The Hague on 3 February 1958 (in French)
B) Other texts (selection)
- Customs union:
- Customs Convention between the governments of Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands (5 September 1944 - PDF, in French)
- Modified law of 23 July 1947 approving the Customs Convention signed in London on 5 September 1944 between the governments of Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as the Protocol of this Convention drafted in The Hague on 14 March 1947 (in French)
- Unification of the customs territory:
- Removal of border controls:
- Protocol on the removal of controls and formalities at the borders within the Benelux and the removal of barriers to free movement (29 April 1969 - PDF, in French)
- Law of 28 January 1971 approving the Protocol on the removal of controls and formalities at the borders within the Benelux and the removal of barriers to free movement, signed in The Hague on 29 April 1969 (in French)
- Benelux Court of Justice:
- Penalty payments:
- Nature / landscapes:
- Cooperation between territorial communities and authorities:
- Benelux Convention on cross-border cooperation between territorial communities and authorities (12 September 1986 - PDF, in French)
- Law of 31 July 1987 approving the Benelux Convention on cross-border cooperation between territorial communities and authorities, signed in Brussels on 12 September 1986 (in French)
- Benelux Convention on cross-border cooperation between territorial communities and authorities (12 September 1986 - PDF, in French)
- Designs and models: Modified law of 16 May 2006 on the approval of the Benelux Convention on intellectual property (trademarks and designs or models), signed in The Hague on 25 February 2005 (convention text included in the document)
- Road Transport Inspection: Law of 5 August 2015 approving the Benelux Treaty on cross-border cooperation for road transport inspection, signed in Liège on 3 October 2014 (treaty text included in the document)