The formation of the 2023 government

9 October: Resignation of the outgoing government and nomination of a formateur

Following the legislative elections of 8 October 2023, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel was received in audience by HRH the Grand Duke at the Grand Ducal Palace. As is customary on the day following the legislative elections, the Prime Minister presented the resignation of the outgoing government to the head of state. HRH the Grand Duke asked the government to remain in office until a new government is formed, and assigned it the task of continuing to oversee any current affairs.

Following the audience with Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, HRH the Grand Duke successively received Fernand Etgen, President of the Chamber of Deputies, Christophe Schiltz, President of the Council of State, and the presidents of the political parties having presented a list in the four electoral constituencies.

10 October: Invitation to a first meeting of the coalition negotiations

Following his assignment as formateur by HRH the Grand Duke, Luc Frieden announced that he had invited the CSV and DP delegations to an initial plenary meeting on the formation of a new government in the wake of the legislative elections on 8 October 2023.

11 October: Opening of coalition negotiations

Delegations from the CSV and DP parties met under the guidance of formateur Luc Frieden on 11 October for negotiations on the formation of the next government. The first plenary meeting of the coalition negotiations was held on 11 October at Senningen Castle.

The first plenary meeting was essentially dedicated to setting the organisational framework of the negotiations. 

In this context, the negotiators agreed on the constitution of the following 12 thematic working groups, which in no way anticipate the future organisation of the ministerial departments:

  1. Combating poverty
  2. Housing including the acceleration of procedures
  3. Environment, climate, biodiversity and renewable energies including procedures
  4. Public finance and taxation
  5. Health, including social security
  6. Justice and security
  7. Education including research, higher education, vocational training and non-formal education
  8. Economy and work (work life & family balance) including agriculture, viticulture, tourism, consumer protection, industry, financial centre, small and medium-sized enterprises and energy
  9. Europe including defence, cooperation, Greater Region and international relations
  10. Shelter and migration
  11. Organisation of community life and quality of life, including spatial planning, mobility, culture, sports, senior citizens, voluntary work, equal opportunities, special needs, youth and family
  12. Modern state including digitalisation, media, civil service, municipalities and infrastructure

12 October: Composition of the delegations of the 12 working groups

The formateur Luc Frieden and the CSV and DP delegations met in plenary session at Senningen Castle to hear reports from various experts on the state of Luxembourg's public finances and the economic outlook. The order of appearance of the representatives invited by the formateur was as follows:

  • Ministry of Finance and Inspectorate of Finance (IGF)
  • National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC)
  • Financial Sector Supervisory Commission (CSSF) and Supervisory Authority for the Insurance Sector (CAA)
  • General Inspectorate of Social Security (IGSS) and National Health Fund (CNS):

13 October:

  • National Employment Agency (ADEM)
  • Luxembourg Red Cross and Caritas Luxembourg

16 October:

  • UEL
  • Mouvement écologique and Conseil supérieur pour un développement durable (CSDD, High Council for Sustainable Development)


16 November: Signing of the coalition agreement

On 16 November, formateur Luc Frieden and the heads of delegation Xavier Bettel for the DP and Claude Wiseler for the CSV signed the coalition agreement between the two parties as part of a press conference. Links

17 November: Swearing in of the new government

On 17 November 2023, HRH the Grand Duke swore in the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the appointed ministers. At the beginning of the ceremony, the head of state signed the grand ducal decrees on the formation of the new government. The Prime Minister, followed by the other members of the government in order of precedence, then took the oath, as stated in article 88 of the Constitution: "I swear to observe the Constitution and the laws and to fulfil my duties with integrity, accuracy and impartiality. Je promets de remplir mes fonctions avec intégrité, exactitude et impartialité". Links

The members of the government in order of precedence


Luc Frieden Prime Minister
Xavier Bettel

Deputy Prime Minister

Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Development Cooperation, Foreign Trade and the Greater Region 

Martine Hansen

Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture 

Claude Meisch

Minister for Education, Children and Youth

Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning

Lex Delles

Minister for the Economy, SME and Tourism

Yuriko Backes

Minister for Defence

Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity

Minister for Mobility and Public Works

Max Hahn
Minister for Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Migration 
Gilles Roth

Minister for Finance

Martin Deprez

Minister for Health and Social Security 

Léon Gloden

Minister for Home Affairs

Stéphanie Obertin

Minister for Digitalisation

Minister for Research and Higher Education

Georges Mischo

Minister for Sport

Minister for Labour

Serge Wilmes

Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity

Minister for the Civil Service

Elisabeth Margue

Minister for Justice

Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister for Media and Communications

Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister for Relations with Parliament

Eric Thill

Minister for Culture

Minister Delegate for Tourism

© SIP / Claude Piscitelli